JIQ Boys Middle and High School celebrated their sixth graduating class with great joy on Wednesday, June 19th. The event began with the graduates walking in to festive Bukharian music, followed by addresses from Principals Rabbi Chagai Niazoff and Mrs. Leah Sassoon. They highlighted the graduates’ accomplishments, spoke of their growth, and extended blessings for their future endeavors. Rabbi Niazoff invited the students to come visit the school In the future. He pointed out that the school atmosphere due to the staff, is like a family- and family you always keep in touch with. He also said that that weeks Torah portion spoke about the Menora. The Menora which has 8 branches brought light to the world.
There are 8 graduates like the 8 branches and each one of the students is like a candle bringing light to his family to the community and the entire world. Rabbi Niazoff encouraged them not to forget how unique and special they are and what kind of special families they come from. He thanked the parents for allowing them to get a Jewish education.
Additional speakers included Rabbi Baruch Babayev, who spoke about the immense potential within each student, and Rabbi Asher Vaknin, the 12th-grade Rebbe, who shared insights he had gained from each graduate.
A video presentation showcased the growth and cherished memories of the graduates over the past six years at JIQ.Following the video, the principals presented various awards to the graduates and listened to heartfelt speeches from each student.

Below are the names of the graduates and the awards they received:
Israel Aronov
Chaver Tov — Good Friend
fun facts
Elliot Baruch
Longevity- 13 years at JIQ!
Gabriel Iskhakov
Chaver Tov — Good Friend
Effort in Academic Studies
Michael Kikov
Midot Tovot — Good Midot
Kavana B’Tefila
Excellence in Academic Studies
Daniel Mullodzhanov
Kavana B’Tefila
Excellence in Limudei Kodesh
Michael Nektalov
Kavana B’Tefila
Excellence in Academic Studies
Leadership — Captain of our Basketball Team
Longevity — 13 years at JIQ!
Joseph Shaulov
Chaver Tov — Good Friend
Excellence in Academic Growth
Perseverance & Strength
Nisan Shaulov
Midot Tovot — Good Midot
IT Services
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the graduates of 2024, wishing them success, happiness, health, and great achievements!

JIQ Boys Middle and High School reopened in September 2016 with 36 students. They, Baruch Hashem, now have 80 students and are growing. JIQ nurtures the students spiritually, academically, socially and emotionally. With the help of Hashem, they have begun registration for the 2024-2025 school year. For more information, call 718-480-0900 and request an application.