Leviev addresses the 24th World Congress of Bukharian Jews

Dear friends!
I welcome you, delegates of the 24th Congress of the World Congress of Bukharian Jews, participants in the Presidential Week, which takes place from March 12 to 17, 2024 in the ancient land of Azerbaijan, and will end on March 18th with a solemn congress in Jerusalem, where several thousand Bukharian Jews from Israel and the whole world will gather.
Created in 2000, the World Congress of Bukharian Jews has been engaged in all these 24 years of great and fruitful activities in the development of social, educational, cultural, and religious programs both in Israel and abroad. The Congress promotes the development of Jewish education, the formation of Jewish identity among the younger generation in the Diaspora, and the strengthening of the unity of our people, who live in Israel, the USA, Canada, Austria, Russia, Germany, Australia, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.
Our gathering in Azerbaijan includes the arrival of famous businessmen and community leaders from the USA, Israel, and Austria, getting to know the great culture and history of the people, who have great respect for the Jewish community of the city. Synagogues and an Ohr-Avner Jewish School operate here; the Jewish cemeteries are properly preserved here, free of acts of vandalism. Diplomatic and economic ties with Israel are developing, and friendly relations are maintained with the Jewish Diaspora in the world, serving as an example of tolerance and peacefulness.
Here, we will discover the unique world of the musical and artistic culture of the Azerbaijani people, the ethnic diversity of the country, the rapidly developing economy and colossal economic successes, and the international recognition achieved over the years by Azerbaijan under the leadership of its brilliant leader Ilham Heydarovich Aliyev.
Over the next few days, we will get acquainted with the architectural sights of the capital of Azerbaijan. We will go to Guba, where to this day lives and thrives a wonderful all-Jewish community. In its ancient quarter of Krasnaya Sloboda, we’ll find the world’s only museum dedicated to Mountain Jews, alongside synagogues, a resident rabbi, and a vibrant Jewish community observing the rules of kashrut and upholding Jewish traditions.
We will discuss and try to resolve the accumulated issues that the communities of Bukharian Jews in Israel and other countries face at this difficult time. We will also note the contribution of the leaders of Israel and the Diaspora to the well-being and development of our people worldwide.
Let me congratulate you all on the upcoming events and wish us successful and fruitful work in Azerbaijan and Israel for the benefit of the entire Bukharian Jewish people.
The address, given in Russian on March 12, 2024 in Baku, was translated by Alexander Tankelevich.