
I decided to travel to Dubai and celebrate Passover there with the Dubai Jewish Community, which was an interesting experience for me. I was also supported in this trip by my compatriots, the respected Simkho Juraev and Isakharov Zulun.
I left on April 16, at a time when the whole of Dubai was flooded, and returned on April 25.
A few days later, I met with the respected President of the Dubai Jews, Mr. Solly Wolf. We talked a lot about Judaism in general and in the world. He told me many interesting and informative stories, and I am very grateful to him for his warm welcome. I introduced him to the activities of our newspaper the Bukharian Times, which he enjoys reading (the English version). I told him about Judaism in Tajikistan.
The next day I went to the Kempinski Hotel, located on the tree-shaped Palm Jumeirah archipelago, where I was invited by the respected Chairman of the German-Jewish Fund for Jews, Mr. Alexander Tesla, who constantly performs mitzvah all over the world. It was not easy to get to Passover, as there were many different registration and screening procedures, but it is better for everyone.


On April 22, I arrived at the designated address, where a festive seder table was set by the family of Rabbi Shimon. I was very excited, but in a couple of minutes everything was calm, and I felt at home, joined by Jews from Iraq, Russia, Israel, France, Turkey, and America. There was everything on the table that my heart desired. We prayed, had fun, told stories, and got to know each other.
See you next year in Jerusalem!

This text was translated from Russian to English with the help of Google, and edited by Erin Levi.

Moishe Sabirov, Tajikistan Correspondent